Natural History Museums of L.A. County Web System


We created a single system for the three Natural History Museums of LA County – Natural History Museum, the La Brea Tarpits and The Hart Ranch. While each had its own distinct url, they shared content which we strove to elevate to illustrate their engagement with the LA community and its surrounding nature.


The Directive

Unify the 3 different museums under one central website, while allowing for some variation content production dependencies.

My Role

Lead UX and Visual designer. Worked closely with the client team to set up a design system they could continue to iterate on pass our engagement.


Cohesive site navigation and structure between three distinct institutions. Universal navigation with shared content to encourage cross exploration. Robust shared stories, community, and events section aggregating content from all museums.

Visual Challenges

The main challenges visually related to designing a visual system that represented the 3 distinct museums. Our solution was to define one system of content modules that allowed for variation in color and typography. Each museum could then have their own look and feel.

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Kim Quinn, Creative Director
Pete Hall, Producer
Pete Inge, Developer
Chris Arasin, Developer


DWRC Wayfinding


Policy Map