Humanity In Action Website


We created a web ecosystem for an international fellowship that educates and connects young leaders on issues related to human and minority rights. The client wanted a vibrant and bold visual style that didn’t rely too heavily on photographic assets.


The Directive

Design a website that positioned the fellows and their work at the center of the brand messaging and visuals.

My Role

Lead UX and Visual Designer, Client Partner with twice-weekly client meetings for the course of 10 months.



We had to design a system for six different countries and six different languages (Poland, Netherlands, Denmark, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, and the US). The client’s photography was also disparate and low quality. And overall, the client was inexperienced with building their own web pages from a templated backend.


For the six different languages/countries, we created an evergreen navigation and simple language toggle. 

For the inconsistent photography, we used a duotone coded into the site for a cohesive aesthetic. 

Most importantly, we created a robust content and design toolkit for the client to reference and use in filling in their webpages.

Visit the Site →


Kim Quinn, Creative Director
Ben Baker, Producer
Morgan Faust, Junior Designer


Policy Map